
Year 5 Cup Win!

Last week, our Year 5 boys team started their cup run with an emphatic 9-1 victory. They played fantastically showing excellent level of…

Morrisons Tour

On Wednesday, Holly class went on a tour of Morrisons to learn about where our food comes from. This was led by Morrisons Community…

Rotary Club’s Young Artist Competition

A big thank you to all of our artists who entered the Rotary Club's Young Artist Competition this month. Judging has taken place this week…

Disgusting Sandwiches

Year 2 made their own disgusting sandwiches in forest school! We were inspired by the story 'The Disgusting Sandwich' and in English we are…

Year Five Trip to the Theatre

Year Five had a wonderful trip visiting Alhambra Theatre to watch Pinocchio, the children behaved very well and had a lovely time.

Speed Awareness

This week PCO Megan came into school to teach the children in Aspen Class about speed awareness. The children stood outside our school…

Grand Theatre Workshop

Year 2 took part in an imaginary settings session around the story 'A Christmas Carol'. The children were immersed into settings from the…

Y2 Great Fire Of London Day

Year 2 had a fantastic Great Fire of London day on Thursday! Our special visitor, Sir William Petty, told us all about the Great Fire. We…

Elf Walk 2024

Every year, in November or December, we hold a fund-raising Elf Run to raise awareness of those who are without a permanent home and to…

Children In Need

Last Friday saw the whole school participating in Children in Need activities. Children came dressed in yellow, spotty clothes and at the…

Remembrance Day Celebration

A group of Year 6 children joined the community Remembrance Day Celebration at the cenotaph on Monday. All the local schools came together…

Diwali Workshop

Year 3 and 6 took part in a Diwali workshop. They learned about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita through dance. They all enjoyed…