
For your child to achieve and be their best, good attendance is vital. Term time holidays are not authorised and could result in fines being issued by the Local Authority.

If your child is not able to attend school, please notify us by phone to let us know and explain your child’s absence. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of your child, we will contact you if we have not received notification from you.

The headteacher decides whether or not to authorise an absence. Any persistent absences with no reason given or regular lateness will be referred to our School Inclusion Team as will any child whose attendance falls below 90%. This is to offer support and work with you collaboratively.

Good attendance is encouraged, and a trophy is awarded to the class with the highest attendance each week with an additional extra 15 minutes play time. Termly the class with the highest attendance will have a ‘Fun Swim’ at the local leisure centre. All pupils with 100% attendance will go into a prize draw to be rewarded with a ‘Leeds United Experience’.

At the end of the school year, those children who have achieved 100% attendance will also receive a special badge and will be entered into a prize draw to win a number of National book tokens.


Being late for school makes it hard for your child to learn and valuable morning routines are lost. If your child is 30 minutes late each day, they are missing a half day of school every week. If your child is late by 10 minutes every day, they will miss the equivalent of one week’s learning in a year.

If your child arrives in school after 9.30 am – they will be marked as absent (U- Unauthorised) for the whole morning, this affects their percentage attendance drastically.

The following shows the link between % attendance at school and number of days absent.

    • 98% = less than 4 days absent in one school year
    • 95% = less than 10 days absent in one school year
    • 90% = 4 weeks absent in one school year
    • 85% = 5 ½ weeks absent in one school year
    • 80% = 7 ½ weeks absent in one school year.

If your child is unable to attend school

If your child is unable to attend school, please inform us as soon as possible either by telephone on 01943 873570 or e-mail, leaving your child’s full details i.e. full name, class and reason for absence.

If we do not receive any information, we will contact you to find out why your child is absent.