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Our Vision

St. Oswald’s Church of England Primary School is a friendly, exciting and stimulating place to learn that combines history and tradition with vision and innovation.
St. Oswald’s has served the town and families of Guiseley for centuries. A church school was founded in about 1590, during the reign of Elizabeth I. A school was built on our current site during the Victorian period, and the building developed and grew over the next century and has then been expanded and modernised further in the 21st century.
Today, learning takes place in a spacious building and the ample grounds include outdoor learning areas with Forest School facilities, as well as a sports field.
We are very proud of our distinctiveness as a church school. St. Oswald’s is our parish church and all major Christian festivals are celebrated there. We have strong links with the Diocese of Leeds and work in partnership with the wider church school family as well as schools in the Aireborough locale.
We maintain our core purpose of providing a service and Church of England education to our local community, whilst always looking to innovate and evolve as we prepare our children for life in modern Britain.
We aim to inspire our children and staff to be proud members of our school.
We are ‘One Body, Many Parts’ (1 Corinthians 12)
Each of us has a special talent and role provided by God. We flourish as a community, recognising the parts we all play and how we work together as people, like the different parts of a body working together.We take pride in each other, learn with awe and wonder, dare to dream and help each other flourish. We are a body of unique individuals who come together to trust, inspire, smile and serve one another and our community.At St. Oswald’s, we want everyone to flourish so that they can live life in all its fullness.