PAN Reduction

Statutory consultation on the proposed reduction in Published Admission Number (PAN) for St. Oswald’s Church of England Primary School for the 2025/26 academic year

The Governing Board at St. Oswald’s has made the decision to not go ahead with a reduction in PAN (Published Admission Number) from 60 to 45. 

We will remain a two-form entry school with a PAN of 60. 

You will be aware that we have been in a process of public consultation

The birth rate across Aireborough (Guiseley, Yeadon and Rawdon) has been in sharp decline over recent years, and forecasts indicate that this decline will continue over the coming years. Many of the local schools, as you may know, have been in consultation to reduce PAN and have already reduced or are planning to reduce.

However, in the face of these declining birth rates, I am pleased to share with you that we are going to be full in Reception next September. In fact, we are over-subscribed, and have the highest number of first choice preferences that we have ever had in recent years (well over 60!). This is obviously very positive news for the school, but unfortunately will mean that some families will be disappointed for September and will not get their first-choice place at St. Oswald’s. Please do remember that our admissions policy rankings strongly favours siblings.

The St. Oswald’s nursery is also significantly over subscribed as well and unfortunately many local families have not been able to secure a place for their 3-4 year olds. Please do get in touch with us in the coming months if you would like to discuss a place for September when more spaces will open up.

Staying as a two-form entry school with an intake of 60 is obviously preferable to going through the changes required to move to a mixed-class model with an intake of 45. This is still something that we will certainly have to consider again every year for the next few years as the birth rate continues to fall. It may be that we need to consult publicly again next year and this will very much depend on what the admission numbers and updated birth rate figures are looking like.

However, for now we are delighted to share with you that we plan to remain a two-form entry school. It was a privilege to share our recent Ofsted report with you this week, and this is further positive news for us all – Parents, Staff, Pupils and Governors – that both our school and nursery will be over-subscribed despite the falling birth rates.

Many thanks for your ongoing support as we all work together in partnership to provide the very best we can for our children.

Jonny Davies
