Governor Information

Chair of Governors: Mr Martin Baker

Vice Chair of Governors: Ms Alexandra Long

Current Governing Body

Martin Baker
Name of Governor: Mr Martin Baker
Date of Appointment: 01/11/2021
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: Nominated by LA and appointed by Leeds Diocesan Board of Education
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Teaching and Learning Committee
Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Jonny Davis
Name of Governor: Mr Jonathan Davies
Date of Appointment: 01/01/2021
Term of Office: N/A
Appointed By: 
Ex-Officio by virtue of office as headteacher
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Teaching and Learning Committee
Pupil Support Committee
James Bonnett
Name of Governor: Mr James Bonnett
Date of Appointment: 17/05/2021
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: 
Nominated by LA and appointed by Leeds Diocesan Board of Education
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Pupil Support Committee
Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Father David Pickett
Name of Governor: Father David Pickett
Date of Appointment: 06/10/2014
Term of Office: N/A
Appointed By: 
Ex-Officio by virtue of office as Parish Priest
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Pupil Support Committee
Mrs Eleanor Jane Girt
Name of Governor: Mrs Eleanor Jane Girt
Date of Appointment: TBC/td>
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: 
Appointed by Leeds Diocesan Board of Education
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Teaching and Learning Committee
Mr David Jones
Name of Governor: Mr David Jones
Date of Appointment: 24/01/2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: 
Appointed by Leeds Diocesan Board of Education
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Ms Alexandra Long
Name of Governor: Ms Alexandra Long
Date of Appointment: 11/12/2023
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: 
Elected by Parents
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Teaching and Learning Committee
Pupil Support Committee
Mr Jonathan Baker
Name of Governor: Mr Jonathan Baker
Date of Appointment: 16/10/2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: 
Elected by Parents
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Resources Committee
Mrs Katie Shackleton (nee Miss Miller)
Name of Governor: Mrs Katie Shackleton (nee Miss Miller)
Date of Appointment: 03/10/2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: Elected by Staff
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Teaching and Learning Committee
Jacqui Hallam
Name of Governor: Mrs Jacqueline Hallam
Date of Appointment: 08/03/2023
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: Appointed by Leeds Diocesan Board of Education
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Teaching and Learning
Mr Graham Kevin Greenwood
Name of Governor: Mr Graham Kevin Greenwood
Date of Appointment: 18/01/2022
Term of Office: 4 Years
Appointed By: 
Appointed by Leeds Diocesan Board of Education
Business or Financial Interests: None declared
Committee Membership: Associate Governor

Governor information

Please note that the Governors’ Annual statement covers the previous academic year and includes details of the structure and the responsibilities of the governing body and any committees, the term of office for each governor, which body appoints them, the category of governor, their attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year, as well as names of any committees the governor served on. Also included are relevant business and pecuniary interests of governors, details of any other governance roles in other schools and the relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.

Governing Body Annual Statement 2024Governor Attendance 2023 - 2024