Elf Walk 2024
Every year, in November or December, we hold a fund-raising Elf Run to raise awareness of those who are without a permanent home and to raise money for 'Simon on the Streets', a charity which supports the homeless. This year's Elf Run was held on Thursday 28th November and Y3-Y6 walked to Yeadon and back to School through Nunroyd Park. Nursery - Y2 also participated, however, they completed their distance within the school grounds.
All the children behaved excellently and had fun participating in this event for such an amazing cause.
With your support and generous donations, we managed to raise £460 so far.
Children In Need
Last Friday saw the whole school participating in Children in Need activities. Children came dressed in yellow, spotty clothes and at the end of the day, a Collective Worship celebrated our differences and talents by inviting members of staff to take part in various challenges. Miss Harris proved herself a pillar strength as she won both the ‘longest single leg stand’ and the ‘wall squats’ competition. There was blindfolded drawing and timing a minute. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed taking part and thanks goes to Mrs Coates and the School Council for the organisation.
We managed to raise £622.50 for Children in Need, thanks to your kind donations!
This year school have been very fortunate to have Liz and Pepper the Therapy Dog coming in each Friday from the charity ‘Pets as Therapy - PAT’ to spend time with the children and listen to them read. Every child across the entire school has had this wonderful opportunity.
Today we held the 'PATnic' on the school playground and all children that took part thoroughly enjoyed this experience!
Pepper even managed to sneak a few treats for being such a lovely support for the children. So far, we have raised an amazing £400.20 for this fantastic cause, thank you for all of your support.
Wear Red Day
We celebrated Wear Red Day to raise awareness of congenital heart disease and raise funds for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund. Year 1 wore red and all pupils in school were invited to take part in a raffle in which local businesses donated prizes. We raised an amazing £518.09! Thank you to all of the local businesses who donated prizes to help us raise funds for this amazing charity.
and SIO Coffee & Shakes in Rawdon.
Simon on the Streets
Following our sponsored walk back in December, Simon on the Streets came to be presented with a cheque for £905.10 raised by the families of St Oswald’s. They extend their gratitude to everyone. Well done!