
Preschool Mini Sports Day!

Preschool took part in their first ever Sports Day and had so much fun! They each took part in the sack race, egg and spoon race, dressing…

Year Three’s Trip to Robin Hood’s Bay

This term Year 3 have been learning all about the UK coast! In our Geography and English lessons, we prepared for our trip to the seaside…

‘I Want To Ride My Bike’ with Dave

Dave from 'I want to Ride My Bike' came to visit Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this week. All the children were amazing, showing resilience…

Year 3 Learning About Time

Year 3 started time this week and it was a tricky maths unit for some of us. So we decided to go outside in the sunny weather and draw some…

Now Press Play

Children across the school have started trialing a program called Now Press Play, which allows the children to go on an exciting adventure…

Year 3 Art Week

In Year 3 we have been thinking about how to create waves, ripples and bubbles in our ocean paintings. We used different methods to create…

Pupdate: Peppa Visits Preschool

Today Pepper visited Preschool for the first time. The children loved meeting her and those who wanted to, enjoyed stroking her gently. The…

Year 5 School Trip to Yeadon Tarn

Beech and Willow class visited Yeadon Tarn where they participated in activities such as Kayaking, orienteering and problem solving games.…


Children from Y4, 5 and 6 took part in a brilliant orienteering event held at Nunroyd Park. The children’s enthusiasm was remarkable and…

Forest School Makeover

Forest school has a had a makeover this week! We've added natural tables and chairs made from a tree that had to be cut down on the field.…

Ian’s Mobile Farm Visit

What an amazing experience we have had this morning, Ian’s mobile farm came to visit the children in Nursery and Reception! He brought a…

Sporting Update

On Monday, eight girls from year 5 and 6 competed in a football tournament at Yeadon Westfield School. The girls played unbelievably well…