
Road Safety

Today, St Oswald's was visited by the local PCSO, Megan Woods, and the local councilor, Eleanor Thompson. They kindly led an assembly to…

Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Sculptures

Year 2 enjoyed making Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculptures out of natural materials.

Robinwood 2023 (part 2)

Year 6 are still growing webbed feet in this very wet weather but loving their time at Robinwood. Super rafting skills (and some super…

Robinwood 2023

Year 6 are enjoying their Robinwood adventure. Zip wire, climbing wall, crate challenge and nightline to name a few of the amazing…

A Treat from Burley Banksy

"For the Guiseley kids at St Oswald's" Thanks @pantsdanny for our personalised artwork.  We love it!

Year 6 Legacy Orchard

To celebrate Year 6, we have started a new tradition this year with our ‘Legacy Orchard’. This week, we had a special ceremony where Year 6…

Year Two at Tropical World

Year Two enjoyed their trip to Tropical World. They explored Tropical World and had an outside workshop in the woodland area.

2023 Arts Festival

What an incredible day we’ve had holding our first ‘Arts Festival’. Children got involved in different workshops like painting with local…

Year 3’s Campfire Doughnuts

At forest school Year 3 enjoyed campfire doughnuts. Safe to say they went down a treat!

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Year 6 had a fantastic day out at Yorkshire Wildlife Park! 

Eco-Schools Green Flag award 2023

Well done to St Oswald's Eco Club who have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag award 2023! The Eco-Schools' Awards are designed to…

Visit from Cathy Harris

We have been lucky to have a visit from the author of Dylan Just Couldn't Do It, Cathy Harris. We enjoyed a whole school assembly and year…