A visit from White Cross Vets

Year 1 had a lovely visit yesterday from White Cross Vets and Alfie the dog 🐶 We learnt all about how to take care of animals and all of the interesting equipment that vets use, like X-rays and stethoscopes.

An amazing day with Animals UK

What an amazing day Year 1 had! A truly wonderful experience, the children were fascinated!

Thank you Animals UK for bringing your fantastic animals along to visit us🦎🐍🦊🕷️

Remembrance Day

Some of the Year 6 children visited Guiseley Cenotaph to take part in the Remembrance Day service. The children laid a wreath of handmade poppies and read out poems that they had written.

New arrivals!

We are very excited to welcome the latest addition to our fantastic STEM room... a colony of leafcutter ants!

Leafcutter ants are one of the most incredible rainforest animals. They eat more rainforest vegetation than any other type of animal. Not only that, they actually grow their own food, and live in colonies that can contain over eight million insects! The children will be learning all about this and more with the help of our very own colony.

Fun times with Leeds Libraries

We were very lucky to have a visit from Leeds Libraries. Here is the story bus that came to share the joy of reading with our Reception children. The children had a fantastic afternoon singing songs, playing musical instruments and listening to stories.

The Big Draw

St Oswald’s have entered ‘The Big Draw Festival 2022’. This is a worldwide celebration of drawing and is made up of a collection of thousands of creative events, activities, and workshops across the globe. The Big Draw is a pioneering visual literacy charity dedicated to raising the profile of drawing as a tool for wellbeing, thought, creativity, social and cultural engagement. To support us in creating part of our artwork, can we please ask for you to save any blue or green bottle caps and send them into school with your child/children to give to their class teacher over the next two weeks. More information on this is coming soon! Thank you for your support with this.

Celebrating Navratri

This week we have been celebrating the festival of Navratri, the annual Hindu festival observed in the honour of the goddess Durga. We were very lucky to have Mr Lad, Esme and Tavi talk to us about how they celebrate it in our collective worship. Year 3 loved learning all about Bollywood dancing. They looked amazing!

Year 6 at Robinwood

Our Year 6 have had an incredible few days on their residential at Robinwood. They mastered the archery, giant swing, knight’s quest and climbing, as well as surviving the piranha pool!! The whole group demonstrated fantastic teamwork skills and ended their trip with some fun time on the lake. They had a really great time and we are very proud of them all.

Art Week - Out for a walk

This week is Art Week, the theme is ‘Out for a walk’. Today in Reception we have done welly printing, here are the results!

What makes a good leader?

In RE this term, Year 1’s topic focus is on what makes a good leader. To help us understand what a leader does and what qualities a good leader requires, we interviewed Mr Davies about being a leader of St Oswald’s!