Remembrance Day Celebration

A group of Year 6 children joined the community Remembrance Day Celebration at the cenotaph on Monday. All the local schools came together to remember those who have served their country including those who continue to risk their lives in military service across the world. We placed some poetry poppies at the cenotaph which are still there if anyone would like to see them.

Diwali Workshop

Year 3 and 6 took part in a Diwali workshop. They learned about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita through dance. They all enjoyed learning the story and retelling it through a dance they created together.

Walking Nativity

We had a lovely festive week in school. Our Walking Nativity was a HUGE success and was enjoyed by so many parents and carers.

Learning about Diwali

Year Two have been learning about Diwali. We had fun making tissue paper rangoli artwork.

Learning about Church

Year one and two visited church today. They learned about the features of a church such as the pulpit, lecture and the baptism font.

Happy Chinese New Year

We had Mrs Chen visit us to teach us about Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. This year is the year of the rabbit. We had a collective worship and learned how to say Happy New Year!

Sponsored walk

The whole school took part in a sponsored walk for @simonotstreets. The children walked from school, along the old railway line, through Nunroyd park and back to school. As a school we raised a huge £905.10 which will go towards helping the charity greatly. 

Walking Nativity

Year 1 to Year 6 did a wonderful job at performing scenes from the Christmas story as part of our walking nativity. Starting at the school gates and moving through the school, the children really brought the Christmas story to life.

St Oswald’s Church Tree Festival

Here is the super St Oswald’s entry at the church tree festival. The theme this year is sustainability. If you get chance, please go and have a look at the children’s fantastic handmade plastic free tree decorations 🎄

Remembrance Day

Some of the Year 6 children visited Guiseley Cenotaph to take part in the Remembrance Day service. The children laid a wreath of handmade poppies and read out poems that they had written.