'I Want To Ride My Bike' with Dave

Dave from 'I want to Ride My Bike' came to visit Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this week.
All the children were amazing, showing resilience and determination when learning how to ride a bike.

Dave's Facebook page provides advice on how to find the best and most affordable bike for your child.

Year 3 Learning About Time

Year 3 started time this week and it was a tricky maths unit for some of us. So we decided to go outside in the sunny weather and draw some clocks of our own using chalk. We tested each other and even made a large clock that we played Time games on. I think it helped us to get ready for more time questions next week!

Now Press Play

Children across the school have started trialing a program called Now Press Play, which allows the children to go on an exciting adventure and use their imaginations to reenact a story. The children loved the experience, and if they haven't had a turn yet, they will over the next few weeks.

Above you can see Beech class enjoying their turn in the sun and some children from Elm class completing their adventure in the hall yesterday!

Year 3 Art Week

In Year 3 we have been thinking about how to create waves, ripples and bubbles in our ocean paintings. We used different methods to create the movement of the sea. We will use these paintings to create a whole year group piece combining paint and recycling to showcase our theme of marine conservation!

Pupdate: Peppa Visits Preschool

Today Pepper visited Preschool for the first time. The children loved meeting her and those who wanted to, enjoyed stroking her gently. The children asked Liz some great questions about Pepper and enjoyed listening to the answers, such as 'Where does she sleep?', 'How old is Pepper?' and 'Does she like being stroked?'. One of the children then read Pepper a story! We can't wait for Pepper and Liz to visit again!

Year 5 School Trip to Yeadon Tarn

Beech and Willow class visited Yeadon Tarn where they participated in activities such as Kayaking, orienteering and problem solving games. The children demonstrated fantastic teamwork, resilience and perseverance (and for some, great swimming ability) throughout the day. The children conquered a whole range of emotions and the long walk home in what was a brilliant day for all.


Children from Y4, 5 and 6 took part in a brilliant orienteering event held at Nunroyd Park. The children’s enthusiasm was remarkable and they represented St Oswald’s in an excellent way. Four teams from our school took part, two in Y4 and 2 in Y5/6. They all showcased their amazing skills and resilience and all our teams finished in the top four of their respective events. Well done to all the pupils who took part.

Forest School Makeover

Forest school has a had a makeover this week! We've added natural tables and chairs made from a tree that had to be cut down on the field. The children have enjoyed using watercolours to paint on the tables and creating Andy Goldsworthy inspired art.

The Year 6 class were absolutely amazing with supporting the younger learners!

Ian's Mobile Farm Visit

What an amazing experience we have had this morning, Ian’s mobile farm came to visit the children in Nursery and Reception!

He brought a selection of different animals; which included a tortoise named Tank, guinea pigs called Yeti and Gary, two alpacas named Marshmallow and Suzie, a goat and her kid, Bonnie plus a couple of ponies!

The children were so brave and kind, meeting and caring for the animals and learnt some new facts about the animals that they didn’t know before. The children also loved Ian’s sheepdog Meg!

Sporting Update

On Monday, eight girls from year 5 and 6 competed in a football tournament at Yeadon Westfield School. The girls played unbelievably well and showed determination and excellence to make it to the semi-finals of the tournament. All of us at St Oswald's are so proud of the way the girls played and the brilliant manner in which they represented our school. Thanks goes to Guiseley Community Foundation for hosting such a terrific event.

On Tuesday, a group of year 6 children took part in an excellent netball event at Guiseley High School. The children showed wonder to learn the skills of netball and engaged excellently in the skills based games. When it came to the games at the end they played with so much skill and perseverance and won each of the games they played. We were all extremely impressed with their sportsmanship and the effort they showed to develop their netball skills.