Speed Awareness
13 December 2024Health,Eco Warriors
This week PCO Megan came into school to teach the children in Aspen Class about speed awareness. The children stood outside our school checking the speedometer as cars drove by to see whether they were within the speed limit. Those who were received a thumbs up by the children and those who were over the limit received a thumbs down!
The children enjoyed this activity and had fun whilst learning about the importance of staying within the speed limit.
Grand Theatre Workshop
Year 2 took part in an imaginary settings session around the story 'A Christmas Carol'. The children were immersed into settings from the tale using practical, drama-based techniques. They all had a lot of fun and the children showed fantastic imagination and super acting skills to bring each setting to life!
Y2 Great Fire Of London Day
Year 2 had a fantastic Great Fire of London day on Thursday! Our special visitor, Sir William Petty, told us all about the Great Fire. We looked at an old map of London, took part in an experiment to see how the fire spread and successfully managed to work together as a class to put the fire out! Miss Roach and Miss Fowler were so impressed as all the children showed enthusiasm and wonder for their learning!
Elf Walk 2024
Every year, in November or December, we hold a fund-raising Elf Run to raise awareness of those who are without a permanent home and to raise money for 'Simon on the Streets', a charity which supports the homeless. This year's Elf Run was held on Thursday 28th November and Y3-Y6 walked to Yeadon and back to School through Nunroyd Park. Nursery - Y2 also participated, however, they completed their distance within the school grounds.
All the children behaved excellently and had fun participating in this event for such an amazing cause.
With your support and generous donations, we managed to raise £460 so far.
Children In Need
Last Friday saw the whole school participating in Children in Need activities. Children came dressed in yellow, spotty clothes and at the end of the day, a Collective Worship celebrated our differences and talents by inviting members of staff to take part in various challenges. Miss Harris proved herself a pillar strength as she won both the ‘longest single leg stand’ and the ‘wall squats’ competition. There was blindfolded drawing and timing a minute. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed taking part and thanks goes to Mrs Coates and the School Council for the organisation.
We managed to raise £622.50 for Children in Need, thanks to your kind donations!
Remembrance Day Celebration
A group of Year 6 children joined the community Remembrance Day Celebration at the cenotaph on Monday. All the local schools came together to remember those who have served their country including those who continue to risk their lives in military service across the world. We placed some poetry poppies at the cenotaph which are still there if anyone would like to see them.
Diwali Workshop
Year 3 and 6 took part in a Diwali workshop. They learned about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita through dance. They all enjoyed learning the story and retelling it through a dance they created together.
Well Done Choir Club!!
St Oswald's Choir had an amazing time singing at Yeadon Morrisons on Monday. They raised a whopping £255.32 in just over an hour for Children in Need.
They sounded beautiful and the public absolutely adored them. Well done Choir!
Year 2 Outdoor Classroom Day
Year 2 enjoyed spending lots of time outside yesterday to celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day! We used natural materials to represent numbers on a tens frame, collected materials to make journey sticks and had lots of fun playing in the forest school area!
Y3 Stone Age Forest School Afternoon
25 October 2024Forest School,Art,History
In Year 3, we have been learning all about the Stone Age in our history unit this half term and have been very lucky to take this opportunity to take part in Stone Age activities in our forest school. We cooked berries on a firepit, made weapons and tools using stones and sticks, we painted with berries and leaves and left handprints on cave walls. We also had a cave/hut that we were able to role play Stone Age living, we built secure dens to hide in from predators and even hunted prehistoric animals that we found amongst the trees! Happy memories were made in our first half term in Year 3!